Beauty Enlightenment

The Fuddhist’s ‘Gorgeous Hair’ Grocery List

Beauty is found in the belly, my friends. There is no denying that nutrition plays a MAJOR role in the look and feel of your hair!

Nibbling on nutrient-rich goodies stimulates the hair’s proteins, nourishes and protects its fibers, and increases circulation to its follicles.

If you aren’t eating the right foods, your hair will be forever by dull, dry, brittle, dandruffy, and weak. The cells that make up each strand of hair require a regular supply of key nutrients.

Much like our skin, the condition of our hair is an outward sign of inside health.

Although the hair that grows out of your head is dead, the living part of the hair—the follicle—is very much alive. If you’re not eating a balanced diet (and therefore supplying the follicles with the nutrients they need), your hair will pay the price.

Without further ado, here is my ‘Gorgeous Hair Grocery List,’ which is jam-packed of all the ABSOLUTE BEST things you can eat for healthier, stronger, and shinier strands.

Fuddhist Bonus: The last page includes my list of more exotic, less-known herbs and foods that will give your hair a mega health boost!



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