Thought For Food

The Fabric of Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

the fabric of your mind, body and spirit
Your body is your temple, and the quality of your choices creates the fabric of your body, mind, and spirit.

The life you are living at this moment, the body you are inhabiting, the relationship you are in, the career or job you have, and the amount of joy you feel, are products of the decisions you made and the thoughts you consume every second you are alive. Accepting responsibility for our happiness empowers us.  

Transformation begins when you take full responsibility for your life.

When we are not content with our current situation, we are quick to place the blame onto others. Your spouse, your boss, your children, your friend, your job, the current climate of the world; pretty much anything but you. Putting blame outside of yourself is easy, at times comforting, because you don’t have to look within. But, it’s also imprisoning.

You will never be truly free if you continue to look outside of yourself.

You can make the change and start to transform your life right this second. Make different choices and choose different thoughts. Irrespective of how others are behaving, which is 100% out of your control – start to focus on the thoughts and words YOU speak. And stay focused there.

Have you ever observed yourself an entire day to witness how you speak and what you think?

Developing a stronger self-awareness about how we behave challenges us to strengthen our inner fortitude. It develops a spirit that refuses to be defeated. When we have nothing and no one to blame but ourselves, not only do we become truly free, we become all powerful.

The life you want is one ‘different’ choice away.

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