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  • wonders of watermelon
    Longevity Elixirs

    The Wonders of Watermelon

    As I sat on the beach in Mallorca, Spain devouring that delicious watermelon, I intuitively knew that there was some serious healing happening on many levels. I had spent the last four hours lost in…

  • Donde Esta Betty Crocker
    Thought For Food

    ¿Dónde Está Betty Crocker?

    Donde Esta Betty Crocker? You’re probably wondering why I’m looking for Betty? Ironically, the story starts at a grocery store run with my adorable niece. She is seven years old and very smart. She…

  • Mother Dirt - The Ultimate Healer
    The Earth Element

    Mother Dirt: The Ultimate Healer

    Say NO to pills and YES to mud pies! When life feels overwhelming, I seek refuge and comfort in the dirt. Connecting with the earth is incredibly nurturing and soothing. It’s the best form…

  • COFFEED | A Charitable Cup of Joe | Charity Coffee Shop
    Longevity Elixirs

    A Charitable Cup of Joe

    There is nothing more enjoyable than having two of my greatest passions, T.V. and Fuddhism, aligned. I flew to New York to film for TV Land and happily found myself in a Fuddhist territory. My shoot took place…

  • upcycling jam session

    Upcycling Jam Session

    My love for music, craftsmanship, creating, connecting, upcycling, and unity, all bundled into one sunny afternoon. My goal was to build an upcycled food tray, but what transpired was so much more! I encourage…

  • Lucuma Matata
    Longevity Elixirs

    Lucuma Matata!

    It’s my problem-free philosophy, Lucuma Matata! Que es Lucuma? It’s a funny sounding name that rhymes with Hakuna and inspires me to recite the entire first verse of Lion King every time I hear…

  • Dr. Hector Quiroga - Bonafide Fuddhist

    My Heroic Grandpa: A Bonafide Fuddhist

    Dr. Hector Quiroga: My Grandpa. A pioneer in preventive medicine. A visionary. My trailblazer. An exceptional doctor with a long list of accolades. Not to mention his gold medals and medals of honor in…